
Best Mario Kart 8 Setup for 150cc

Best Mario Kart 8 Setup for 150cc

Paradigm from Pixabay past Niap3d

The Best Mario Kart viii Character, According to Information Science

Wheels up!

Mario Kart has always been a game of choices. Backside every character and kart combination, there'south a lot depth information wise. Each office you lot choose as a player, including gliders and tires, touch things like a setup'south speed, handling, and turbo "heave" among other things.

Mario Kart 8 and Mario Kart viii Deluxe continues this tradition by offering new and old characters and kart parts. I'll be using data from Kaggle to determine the "best" and worst character and kart setups.

Exploring the Data

The game gives split speed and treatment information for different runway types so to brand analysis easier, I weighted the parameters by how frequent the track type was. I weighted the main parameter roughly seventy%, basis 15%, air 10%, water 5%. I then used a heatmap to visualize parameters past weight grade.

As you lot can see, heavier characters tend to take the fastest speed but have the least turbo. Light characters take the best handling but lowest speed.

Next I fabricated a dataset of every possible character class, vehicle, tire, and glider combination for a total of more 2,500 combinations. If nosotros had used individual characters, there would have been nearly 150,000 combinations!

The Analysis

In that location are many ways to get in at an "optimal" configuration. Other analyses have used Pareto efficiency but have only been able to expect at 2 or then variables at a time. In order to look at all the parameters, I'll look at each parameter individually past weighting it more than the other ones and look at the peak 25 combinations. Then, I'll endeavor a more than equal weighting to determine the all-time overall combinations.


Weighting speed and acceleration 35% and all other parameters ten% gives us an optimal combination of:

  • Bowser/Wario/Morton Koopa/Mii (Heavy) + Biddybuggy + Roller Tires + Acceleration Glider


Weighting acceleration and mini turbo 35% and all other parameters 10% gives us an optimal combination of:

  • Babies/Lemmy Koopa/Mii (Calorie-free)+ Biddybuggy + Roller Tires + Dispatch Glider


Weighting treatment 50% and all other parameters 12.5% gives us the same optimal combination of:

  • Babies/Lemmy Koopa/Mii (Light)+ Biddybuggy + Roller Tires + Acceleration Glider


Weighting turbo l% and all other parameters 12.5% gives united states the optimal combination of:

  • Babies/Lemmy Koopa/Mii (Light)+ Pipe Frame + Roller Tires + Acceleration Glider

Equal Weights

Weighting speed 30% and the remaining parameters twenty% (except turbo at x%) gives an optimal combination of:

  • Bowser/Wario/Morton Koopa/Mii (Heavy) + Biddybuggy + Roller Tires + Dispatch Glider


In general, increases in speed come with a decrease in acceleration. Heavier characters have the best speed and thus tended to exercise ameliorate when weighting that. Babies and other characters in their class are the clear winners with handling, acceleration, and turbo. They might be practiced options for beginners.

The "all-time" Mario Kart combination is subjective and as long as you have a setup with an fifty-fifty distribution of stats, the differences between the top choices are marginal at best. That beingness said, for the players who do favor builds with speed and/or a balanced setup, this assay would support the best combination as Bowser/Wario/Morton Koopa/Mii (Heavy) using a Biddybuggy with Roller Tires and an Acceleration Glider.

These weights are capricious so these results aren't necessarily robust, but picking combinations from the top results listed should give y'all a solid start to virtually courses.

Do you agree with the results? Why or why non?

Best Mario Kart 8 Setup for 150cc

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